Easy or right?

The Dumbledore quote that I connect with is, “We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy”- Dumbledore, I connect with this quote because it is a choice that I have made often, and I haven’t always made the right choice. Sometimes for personal projects I choose the easy way, instead of the right way, and I don’t work on it very often at all, which leads to it going very slowly, or fizzling out. The right choice would be to say-PS please choose better prompts in the future, have a free right, or have more options-Sterling

My Hero…. I Guess

My hero is Bradley my best friend. He is my hero because he likes science, which I also like, and am interested in so I connect with him. Another reason he’s my hero is because he has good grades, and I want to have grades like Bradley’s. Finally he is really good at art, and aspire to have the drawing prowess that he does. These are the reasons why Bradley is my hero

Rad Reading-December

This month I read a wonderful mythological adventure book called Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl by Julie Kagawa.

Shinji has been kidnapped by Hightower, because he possesses the mark of the Coatl. At night a girl named Lucy helps him escape to SEA, the Society of Explorers, and Adventurers. They then travel to Mexico to get rid of the curse tied to the mark, by bringing it back to the temple it was stolen from. On the way to the temple they encounter many traps, and notice that Hightower is gaining on them. Shinji reaches the temple, only to discover there was never any curse, and he has to face a being that has been stalking him his whole life. I would recommend this to fans of any of the four horsemen of middle grade fantasy, Keeper of the Lost City’s, Wings of Fire, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson.

I enjoyed Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl, as a person who didn’t know that much about meso American mythology. In this book I loved the characters. Shinji, and Lucy had such great chemistry, the funniest character was Oliver Ocean, his jokes always landed, and his suspicions, reasonable. I also loved the final trials, and how they taught me the aspects of the Coatl, and other Aztec gods.

My favorite character is lucy (REDACTED FOR SPOILERS) because she is helpful. Throughout the book Lucy is helping Shinji, and example of this is on page 55 where she says, “I’m getting you put of here.” This proves that Lucy is helpful because of what she intends to do. She is going to get Shinji out of Hightower, she is going to help him escape. No matter what she is going to help Shinji get rid of his curse.

My favorite quote from Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl, is on page thirteen where Shinj’s aunt Yui says, “Go find a lightning sword.” I love this quote because it shows how she just wants Shinji to find what he wants, and figure out what kind of stuff he likes.

I want to Achieve

If I could choose one word I want 2024 to be, I would choose accomplished. I want to be better at stepping away from mindless YouTubing, and do what I want to do. I want to learn how to code, but it’s difficult to get away from the tv, and do that. I want to achieve my goals, but instead I watch a YouTube video on how to achieve your goals. So this year, I want to learn how to code, I want to make a fantasy world, I want to write about it. So this year I am going to be accomplished.